by dr. Johan Sp.FK
27 January 2024 Q.
Pain in Knees and Joints

My grandfather complains of pain in his knees and joints & these cause him severe pain that I can’t help feeling bad. Doctors say aging comes with joint pain. What can I do now to avoid this same painful situation in years to come?


Hello Tunde! Thank you for using the #asksudrexfeature. One of the most important components of managing pain for the elderly is not only in treatment but also in prevention. Ensure joint health by maintaining a healthy weight because being overweight puts pressure on the joints, causing damage & discomfort. Get regular exercise, being inactive causes the cartilage in the bones to shrink & become stiff thereby affecting movement. Physical activity (such as stretching, walking, yoga and avoiding sports such as: jumping, running) can help you get maximum results. Make sure you’re drinking enough water, replace soda & energy drinks with water. Make a habit of eating healthy foods that prevent inflammation, strengthen bone density & offer natural relief for joint pain. Examples include seeds & nuts, fish with omega-3 fatty acids. Others are fruits like pineapples, tomatoes, beans, whole grains & olive oil etc. Onions, garlic, ginger & turmeric are root vegetables with anti-inflammatory properties. When in pain, trust Sudrex Joint & Muscle pain caplets.